10-12 Curriculum Bundle


We've assembled everything you need for a top-notch High School Lit program. All you lack now is a library card.

The 10-12 Curriculum Bundle contains a complete set of teacher resources for High School Lit. The Teaching the Classics seminar presents our method; it will show you how to lead great discussions of any story in the world. The Worldview Detective seminar shows you how to extend those discussions into the philosophies that lie behind the Great Books. Reading Roadmaps, our scope and sequence manual, lays out a step by step curriculum for every year from K through 12, giving you a ready-made, annotated reading list for every student. Finally, a Ready Readers volume specific to your grade level provides discussion questions and detailed answers for specific stories, so you're never at a loss in front of the class.  

The 10-12 Curriculum Bundle includes the following items and discounts:

Item Description Amount
TCDVD Teaching the Classics seminar package $99.00
WD Worldview Detective seminar package $49.00
RRM Reading Roadmaps $39.00
RR4 Ready Readers: High School Literature, volume 1 $29.00
  15% Bundle Discount -$32.40
  Total $183.60

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plus ongoing product support and a host of additional resources, all for $9 per month.
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